Saturday 25 April 2009

new project

It's taken me a while to get this started (I haven't really been about for long enough to put stuff up, I'll put up my Berlin photos on my other blog when I've got them processed). My major project is based around illustration and that of a book which is yet to be published.

Roy Muir is a published children's author who currently resides in Cumbria. After finishing his most recent children's book, he has contacted me through a mutual friend and has asked me to illustrate his story. I graciously accepted the offer in belief that it would be a short children's book requiring only several detailed images as this is what I was told at the time. I was told that it would be a short story for children around the age of six/seven (the contact I had was through a mature student who I had studied with for my Art Foundation).

After receiving the script I discovered that in fact it is an extremely long story, comprising of 3 parts of 2000 words so far, with apparently more to come, and it seems to be aimed at a slightly older audience than I was earlier informed. After questioning Roy I have managed to come to little conclusion about his requirements for the illustration other than they must be A5 size; I received no straight answer about whether they should be in colour or monochrome (which I think is pretty important as if the book is printed in black and white then rendering the illustrations would be extremely time wasting), and also the number of illustrations needed (one at the start of every chapter, only at important parts of the story etc.).

Instead of simply illustrating the story as I believe that it should be done, as this could be a very great risk due to the length if I completely misjudge Roy's requirements then it would be a lot of wasted effort and time to restart, I shall put forward a proposal to him showing how I believe that the story should be illustrated. Depending on how this is then accepted, I shall adapt the style in which it is then illustrated for publication.