Sunday 28 September 2008


So I was given my first brief for college last week, a bit scary, but I'm still super excited about it! It's called Reportage:Leeds, in short, a project about the city of Leeds:

"the story of a resident, or residents,
 of Leeds; a journey through the city; a statement of opinion; documentation of some experience you choose to undergo specifically for the purpose of the brief".

Pretty good, seen as I'm living right by the centre of Leeds, but I have no idea what kind of direction I'm going to take with this project. This is the tricky bit. So to start myself off I decided to go out in the middle of the night, with my bobble hat and scarf, and take some photos.

Not so brilliant, but a start at least. Found myself primarily taking pictures of the main buildings in Leeds, which I know I don't want to aim my project around; think i just needed to get it out of my system. 

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