Monday 6 October 2008

leeds museum

I went to visit Leeds Museum the other day, to have a look at the history of Leeds and to have a look at the Museum's interpretation of Leeds and its surroundings and past. Inside, there was a permanent exhibition displaying historical items related to Leeds, as well as modern day things which we may not realise actually originate from the area. 

One wall was entirely dedicated to old advertisements from shops in Leeds, this one in particular caught my eye:

It's an advertisement for tweed, and I really like the design. I think it's really eyecatching, yet the design is quite complicated and takes the viewer to read the text before it is entirely clear what it is selling. I also found some of the images about buildings which now cease to exist in Leeds, such as this below, one of the many picture houses which used to line the streets of the city.

After the museum, I was looking on the internet for some more information and images of historical buildings in Leeds, some which still stand and some which have been replaced or knocked down. I found this website through the Leeds City Council website. It's an archive of images ranging from the 1880s to today, gathered mainly from Leeds City Library.
The link is here.

In my spare time, I would like to explore some of these buildings to see what they look like today in comparison to the photos.

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