Saturday 2 May 2009


In The Easter holidays, I spent a week in Berlin with friends to see the sights, go out in the evenings, and look at architecture and art galleries. Just out of the city centre we found a small French book shop, in which I found this small comic called Fufurious. It is aimed at on older audience as the main plot follows a bear "Grisou" and his heroin addiction. It also features the Beatles and Betty Boop ("Botty Glup") in a slightly twisted and almost unrecognisable form.

I bought this because I like the carefree style of illustration as well as the plot line, stuck inside the front cover there is also a colourful print of Betty Boop and Grisou which is very appealing. Below is the back cover showing the characters of the book, this is the only part in colour as the inside is all black and white.
Below is an example of what the inside looks like. Unfortunately opened out the magazine is about 2 cm too large for my scanner so a tiny part is cut off around the edges. The style is very rough and uses two thicknesses of line to define some of the characters from the background. I love the handwriting as it is very gracefully done, but saying that I love the French style of handwriting anyway.

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