Saturday 2 May 2009


I recently spent a week up in Glasgow, in which I visited a couple of exhibitions at the Glasgow School of Art and also at the CCA. I shall explain about the exhibition at the CCA in a later post. 
In the small bookshop in the gallery, I found the first and second issues of a small zine called "Toastycats". Each one has 20 pages and is printed on thin paper, A5 in size. I bought the second issue as there was two of these and James bought the only first one. As with Fufurious, it is only the cover which is printed in colour, with the illustrations inside in black and white.

I really like this zine as Magda Boreysza, the author, has used many different styles of illustration which I find very inspirational. Over the summer I think I will try my hand at making a couple of zines, especially as I find it easier to draw when I don't have a deadline or a set topic.
Most of the illustrations are very cartoon like, except the story in the last few pages which is more realistic. I really like the style and shall apply a similar one to some drawings for Roy's book to see what they turn out like. Obviously they wont be as good as these.

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