Wednesday 21 January 2009


Eddie is possibly the oldest of my small collection of cameras. I picked it up from Age Concern when I was back in Kendal at Christmas for £1, someone had chucked it in with the children's toys and i found it when rooting for some plastic junk. It is a tiny little TLR (twin-lens reflex) camera and takes medium format film. I haven't tried it out yet but have decided to use monochrome film so I can develop it myself at college.

After I bought this camera I attempted to do a bit of research into it, things like how old it is, something about the company, anything, but I had no success whatsoever. All I found was a company called Edco who make professional security cameras, so I'm guessing it must be the same people, but not a single mention of cameras for the consumer market.

Even though it has two lenses, they are not joined together by cogs like many other TLRs, as it has no zoom and a fixed focus. When I bought it the mirror by the top lens was missing but I have replaced that with a suitably shiny piece of plastic (glass was too hard to cut to the right shape) and it works perfectly. Below is the front view of Eddie, you can see that something was originally glued onto the top of the fold up part but after researching this type of camera I believe that this was probably just a logo.

Below is the rear view of my camera, there's not much to it so the only knobs are for winding on the film and securing the reels in place. I really want to know where this camera came from and how old it is. By the simplicity of the design, it looks as if it could be aimed at the younger market, such as children, but I honestly have no idea.

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