Wednesday 21 January 2009

new brief

I have decided to use this blog for my next brief, otherwise I'm going to end up with far too many, so this one can stay for projects.

After missing the initial briefing just before Christmas due to the attack of a real mean cold, I have struggled to understand what this brief is about. Technology yes, but then what? I've read the brief, the PowerPoint, been to every session and asked questions of my peers but i just don't get it. So far, I think we have to choose some kind of technology and do something with it, but I'm not sure what. Past, present and future? All that has really been mentioned is photography, video and mobile phones, so I guess I'll begin with photography as it is something I am fond of until I know where to go next.

To get started, I think I shall put film in all of my cameras (or at least as many as I can afford to get processed), and make a comparison as they are all different in a variety of ways. Reckon I'll do a little write up of each in the mean time. Come to think about it, I need to think of a subject for my photography, I'll work on that.

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