Wednesday 11 February 2009


The images from my can camera came out somewhat better than those of the Poundland disposable one, but still as it has no flash and is made of cheap plastic they have come out slightly blurry and darkened. I quite like the distorted effect though, as the colours have been altered a little from real life and similar to the last this has had quite a nice effect on the sky colours and the lighting. The way the camera is designed means that the image which is taken and what you see through the viewfinder are quite different, which makes it difficult to frame the images correctly. Some of these, on the other hand, have come out quite nicely.

The image below was taken on a walk which me and Lorna took around the bottom end of town, down by the river. I quite like it as the lamp post is almost exactly lined up with the building in the background. When I looked through the viewfinder, I'm pretty sure that it was completely lined up though but it still looks ok.

The image below was taken in Hyde Park just after it snowed, I like it how the trees draw the eye right into the distance even though it is not completely centred. I could crop it to center it but I quite like it how it is because it kind of looks like a mistake but it also makes the image more interesting than a dead straight photograph. In a way matches the thinking behind the camera, with its awkwardness.

The image below is probably the most successful with lighting and composure, even though it is my least favourite. I don't like the style of the building itself.

Overall, I think that this film camera has been quite successful with the images it has taken. Definitely better than the disposable, but I am yet to try manipulate some of the images on Photoshop.

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