Thursday 12 February 2009

web 2.0

As I use it a lot, thought I'd put a bit about web 2.0, "participatory Web" according to Bart Decrem, in comparison to web 1.0, "Web as information source".

Web 2.0 is the term used to cover the new type of websites coming back after the dot-com bubble in 2001, sites which can be interacted with by the user, in which they can control a certain aspect to as if it was their own rather than those which simply provide information. Web 2.0 sites can often also be accessed by the user offline.

Sites which I use which are considered web 2.0 are Flickr, social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, and applications such as Google Maps and Earth. There obviously many thousands more available on the internet as it grows but there's no point writing a list. Web 2.0 is important to my project as it shows the constant advancements in the use of internet technology, even though there is a little controversy about whether this advancement is really as big as it's being made out to be.

Well heres a MASSIVE LIST of web 2.0 sites which are currently available, and I'm sure it's growing fair fast.

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