Friday 6 February 2009

EDCO rage

I'm pretty angry about this. The Plaza, my stupid student halls, have changed the postage system so they won't take parcels any more, the post men are meant to call us so we can come down and collect them because the buzzers don't work, but obviously they can never be fucked to do so so they leave those little notes. I got a little red note for my 127 film saying that I had to pick up my package from a big depot in an unknown location, far far away. I can also only do this between monday and thursday 0600 till 1230, so hmm yeh I would be at college then. So after a couple of days of pondering I went to the Post Office in town and they told me I could get it sent there for 50p if I went on the website. When I got home I did this and after filling in 847645 forms I got to a part which said if my package was a recorded delivery they would only keep it at the depot for 7 days before posting it somewhere, and as The Plaza's so shit and they had kept my note at the desk before putting it in my postbox it was over 7 fucking days.

So I am now £10 down, have no idea where my films are and can't do part of my project. EDCO is out.

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