Thursday 12 February 2009


Well this project has been a bit unusual, in a way in which it doesn't feel complete because I don't have a solid final piece to show. What I've ended up with is a great selection of photographs, and £10 down. I think that it has been successful in a way in which I have learnt a lot from different types of technology, trying out new equipment and assessing its advantages and disadvantages of each, and when it will be useful to me in the future. I have also got to grips with programmes such as Flickr and geo-tagging which I shall now continue to use.

In this project I have explored different types of photography and cameras, different types of film and processing, and how these can then be published for everyone to see. I have come to the conclusion that even though I have had different problems with each type of camera, these can be overcome and all used to the advantage. Even if this may be using certain types of cameras in different light, and which type of camera I would use to achieve a certain effect or purpose.

I definitely could have improved my research with a wider range of cameras and processing, but issues such as money and acquiring types of film have held me back somewhat. With more time and money, and hopefully in the future, I shall continue to experiment with new types of technology such as PDAs and the interactive software available for these. I would also like to explore older technology such as my 127 film camera, as well as large format cameras which I am now aware are available to loan from college. I feel that this would widen my knowledge in the area of photography which is of an interest to me. 

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