Sunday 1 February 2009

ye olde canon

This is one of the first cameras I remember my parents using when I was young, I have no idea how old it is but recently my dad gave it to me. I'm not sure whether it is working or not but I have put film in it to find out. It is a Canon Sure Shot with auto focus and a 35mm lens. I don't really know what to put about this one as I have searched the internet to find out it's age with no success as it's name is pretty vague. I think I shall first ask my parents, and then use this camera mainly for comparison to the other 35mms, as it is the only automatic and also the only with a flash. 

I really hope that this camera works as it brings back memories of primary school trips and family holidays. The strap is tied to the case so I couldn't lose it when I borrowed it, and "WATERTON" is scrawled in biro in my handwriting in the case, so I guess it can't be that old.

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