Thursday 12 February 2009


Thought I should write about this, as it's a different kind of technology we've been messing around with, but unfortunately I have nothing to show for it. 

A couple of weeks back we were exploring narrative alongside the use of video. This involved us creating a storyboard of a short piece of action we could film in an hour or so in or around college. After deciding on what to do in groups, we were then given the task of re-drawing the storyboard each using a different camera angle; extreme, long shot or close up. We then muddled these up to attempt to make an interesting piece of video. Me, Vic and Jon decided that for ours we would film climbing a tree and cartwheeling around it, as it was relatively simple and we could get squeeze lots of interesting camera angles into it (such as helmet-cam which was going to be amazing). Unfortunately Jon was ill on the day of filming so we had Anna as a super replacement. As Jon was meant to be bringing the equipment for helmet-cam, unfortunately we had to miss out on this, and we had to pretty much re-write our storyboard whilst everyone else had started filming.

Fortunately it was a success and we did some dead good tree scaling, managing to walk to Hyde Park, find a suitable tree, climb it, film it, cartwheel round it, and walk back in 30 minutes dead on time.

The rest of the afternoon involved swapping video footage with another group and editing it to show the whole class at the end. We edited Katy, Nicola and Laura's group of them doing a dance round college. Unfortunately I have no idea where it is saved and who's memory stick it might be saved on, and same goes for the video we made and someone else edited :(

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