Wednesday 11 February 2009


I am not very happy with the images produced by my sampler camera. As this was the first time that I had used the camera I had no idea what to expect, but I was kind of hoping that the quality would be ok. Unfortunately they are blurry as shit and it turns out that you need a super steady hand to get them vaguely crisp. Also, as yet another camera without a flash, this isn't the best time of year to be taking photos with it as I have to rely on natural light which there doesn't seem to be much of. Reckon I'll enjoy using this camera in the summer though as hopefully with enough sunlight the pictures should come out slightly better. Another factor contributing to the shit quality of these photos is the fact that I used colour film from Poundland, as I am on a very tight budget. The only film I could find was 200 speed so I guess that will have had an effect on my photo quality.

These are three examples of the images which came out slightly better. The first of Victoria in Hyde Park in the snow I think looks ok but could do with being slightly more crisp to bring out the details, I think its not particularly easy to distinguish between her jacket, hair and scarf...

I purposefully took this one facing into the sun to see what would happen with this camera. If you look closely you can see Ian's head but this is only just distinguishable. I was hoping for some kind of silhouette but I guess this hasn't really happened.

This photograph of the Parkinson building is definitely the best in terms of sharpness and colour contrast, but it is not the most interesting subject. At this point I had taken so many photos on different cameras I was running out of subjects. Nevertheless I still quite like it.

Conclusion: experiment with 400 film which maybe costs more than £1, take photos in bright sunlight. Sampler camera doesn't like the dark.

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