Wednesday 11 February 2009


In college we had to do some work which would be the starting point for us to look at different types of technology. Apparently everyone's work was shit so we had to do it again (oh yes, bitter about this), but we barely had any time and they didn't warn us that the bluetooth takes ages. A shambles, completely. 

But whatever, this is what we came up with second attempt. Basically to come up with the storyline we played a large scale game of Chinese whispers, in which groups came up with an extra line to add to the story which we would then illustrate using photos from phone cameras(ha!). We are all tremendously immature, and so the story involved four eyed sausages, Michael Jackson, Mike and death (bearing in mind we had no idea about the phone camera bit at this point), which was fairly amusing. Our table spent this wasted half hour playing heads, bodies, legs which I shall publish when I get the chance, otherwise they are here.

When we had to remake our photo narratives, we jumbled up the storyline a little to make it more interesting and added some new parts in. The result: 

1. A delicious vegan sausage on a plate, piping hot and mm mm yummy.

2. The strange boy is most excited about eating his sausage, but all of a sudden..

3. The lights go off!

4. ... and the sausage is gone!

5. Obviously, the boy is inconsolable at the loss.

6. In his despair he notices that the window is wide open

7. ... and there is a smug ol' bird with his sausage in its beak.

8. So he takes his pistol with 'victory' already inscribed by the barrel.


10. Tasty bird for tea.
The end.

I'm not sure what we are meant to have learnt from doing this.

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