Monday 9 February 2009


I bought this camera or £1 from Poundworld. It was THE worst disposable camera in the entire world, had no flash and a most peculiar viewfinder. You'd never know but these pictures were taken in pretty broad sunlight, especially the one of Lorna. Some of them have come out well enough to be altered on Photoshop for a nice effect; these below were taken on the balcony outside the Viscom studio. I placed the camera on the barrier on the balcony and took a series of photos panning from left to right, with the intention of sticking them together to make a panorama. It was pretty light when I took these photographs, but I think that the crappy lens and film has actually made the sky come out a very pretty colour.

The Image below has been slightly altered on Photoshop, I tweaked the colour balance a very small amount, and as the Parkinson building came out almost pitch black anyway I filled it in completely black to create a sihouette. Even though it was taken using the worst camera ever I think that this end product is pretty acceptable.

These three images below are from the panorama, taken from the balcony at college. As you can see they sky has come out a pretty nice shade, whereas everything else is barely visible. I am going to stick the images together in Photoshop and then decide whether to alter the overall colours and shading.

Below is almost the worst image from this camera, as the very worst I didn't even bother to scan in. This was taken at about 2o'clock in the afternoon, in broad daylight when the sun was pretty bright which is a great judge of the quality of this camera. 

I played around on Photoshop with filters to try and make the image as clear as possible and this is the best I could do because there is such little contrast. I found the most successful method was to adjust the colour filters and to crank up the blue as much as possible whilst using the least red. You still can barely see what is happening in the image but I think it helps a little. To get the most of this crap picture I will crop it horizontally just above the middle as I quite like the top half of the photograph, as the contrast is pretty good in black and white.

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